Who am I, my Mission and Vision

but first ...

meet Jim Jefferies, embodying both my sense of humor and intellect, reflecting the roots from which I emerged (while maintaining my steadfast atheism).

Your view on Religion too? Cool! We already get along Fine ;o)


I'm a highly successful professional and inspirational Blogger, author, in due time vlogger, and a Designer in Home Decor, Boho Chic & Cottage Style.

50% of my earnings with this Blog go to building my Dream, a Sanctuary for mistreated and old animals.

50% of my earnings of my Home Decor business goes to build warm & loving homes for StreetKids & Orphans Worldwide.

You see, I believe businesses, any kind of business, should be a Force for Good. What's the point otherwise?

With this blog, I aim to help millions of people who can relate to my Story. Many people suffer silently, feeling different, and deeply lonely when it comes down to it. They want to Start Building themselves up again but don't know How.

This blog is for them, and maybe for you too.


Deepest Secrets and Thoughts:

My Blog is filled with all my deepest Secrets and my deepest Thoughts, and How I overcame ALL my Obstacles in becoming Genuinely & Longlasting Happy. So you learn from it and maybe see it as comparable with yours. It also includes a lot of Extremely Valuable Footage and audio recordings for Your Journey to Joy. 




There was a time in my Life I was homeless, had to deal with cancer on my own, and was sexually abused as a little child for years. Hell, I had EVERY possible abuse you can think of. And how I crawled out of my miserable Life, now a decade ago, to a Life filled with Pure Bliss and Peace of Mind. And is committed to helping you find yours.




Here's my First Huge Secret, my Biggest secret ... a secret I've always been deeply ashamed of and didn't dare to tell anyone, until Now.

I'm scared shitless to Tell You, but I'm gonna do it anyway...


You see, up until a decade ago, I was suicidal most of my Life. Every year I would get severely depressed, for about 3 to 4 months. When Winter comes. Every single year. For 4 decades! I Hated it! Because I didn't know HOW to Fix it. I thought moving abroad, where it's warm, would be THE solution.

But it wasn't. At least not initially.

Mainly I was depressed because I was So Disappointed in How the World REALLY works and my shortcomings in it.

The Quest for Meaning:

Here's the thing ..., I don't have an ordinary mind, I don't want what most people want. And maybe neither do You.  

I want MEANING, I NEED Meaning! True, SIGNIFICANT Meaning! World Shaking Meaning. In every Way! Meaning of Heart & Soul.

Dream Big, Dream True:

When I Dream, I Dream Big! And so should You! Besides, don't ever let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come True. Well, it depends of course, if you are a bad singer and you wanna become a singer but you keep on singing False, well, then maybe it's best that dream doesn't come true. But as long as you are "realistic" it's fine.
All of my Dreams have come True, and they were Huge ones. Like Travelling the World for two years on my own. Or becoming an Underwater Photographer for National Geographic, or becoming a Selfmade Woman or getting over most of my fears and shame, or finding my Soulmate(s) ... .


Sharing My Journey:

But my Biggest Dream of all was to become ME, on the outside ... not only the inside. In its Purest Form. And that's what this Blog is All About. It Helps You Become You in your Purest Form. UNLESS you are a rapest or child molestor or anything else in which you hurt people just by being you. Then seek Professional Help. We can't choose what we (initially) Think but we can Decide what to do with it.


A Mind of Depth:

Also DEPTH! I Need Depth. In Every Way!

You see, unlike most people, my empathy levels are so extreme they shoot through the Roof! It always was like that and it always will be. Now I know it's my Biggest Strength. But it used to haunt me.


A Blessing and a Curse:

I have a mind that goes deep, into the Abyss. All the Time.

In Fun and Despair.

A Blessing and a Curse

I'm 52 now, Belgian, single, never married, no kids, have about 8 True friends, a dog (Hungarian Vizsla & Briard) and two cats. I live in a beautiful house with nothing but Nature around me. Love it!

The longest I lived together was for 3 years but that was 25 years ago. 


I've been single most of my Life, simply because I didn't wanna settle for less than I really WANT. I still don't and I never will. I rather stay a Happy Single for the rest of my Life than be with someone I don't really Love deeply. And he/or she? me. For WHO we are, not for what we have.

Like in "This Is Us" On Disney :o) IF I ever will get it. Then that's a non-negotiable.

Also because I had severe Fear of Abandonment issues, and Fear of Commitment.

I had a huge FOMO on better in Life. A huge one!

I also had a pretty Low Self Esteem. If you do too, don't be alarmed, it won't always stay like that.

I had Huge Trust Issues too. Didn't trust anyone! All because I was raised in an extremely unsafe environment with abuse in every possible way.

And I beat cancer! On my own ... I didn't think that was note worthy but it is ;)

Overcoming Struggles:

I've beaten my demons and I Feel Enlightened, and this blog is my way of sharing How I did it. It's a blog of Hope, Support, and motivation, especially if you're a Loner, like me. It's an interactive Blog, you can ask me anything you want, and I'll address it.


Book Announcement:

I've also written a book, "The Art of Keeping a Job," for people who struggle with job stability. They always quit. Many people with borderline, ADHD or bipolar disorder struggle with that. Amongst many others. That used to be a Struggle Bigtime for me as well, but not anymore. WHY? I'll tell you in my book ;o)

Breaking Taboos:

The aim of this Blog is to come Out of the Closet, share my deepest secrets and thoughts, and help millions of people because of it.

It's a thing that SHOULD be talked about, Depression, Loneliness, Helplessness, ... and how to get out of it. We are too many in the world, millions, that suffer from it to be ignored. How many millions of people use anti-depressants? Come on! It SHOULD be talked about and gotten out of the Taboo sphere because we are too many to be ignored! 



Philanthropic Initiatives:

Finally, 50% of your Investment in my Blog will go to Building My Dream—an Animal Sanctuary for mistreated and old animals, horses, dogs, ... WildLife. You can support it by subscribing to my Blog cause 50% of my earnings go to the sanctuary.

I've also started another business on the side, Billy-Jo Quidousse, where I Design Home Decor in Boho Chic & Cottage Style. 50% of my earnings there go to Build Warm and Loving Homes for StreetKids and Orphans Worldwide. Google me ;o) 



Start a Business with Passion:

This blog is also a guidebook for setting up a business on your own, on the side. Especially if you're not good with money. With the aim of it to become Big. Sign up for it here


What About You?:

What about You? What are your Dreams and your mental Pains? Tell me and I'll make a Blog with the Solution.


Bless Yourself and the Universe

(unless you're a rapest or child molester or whatever bad by just being You, then Seek Professional Help. We can't help what we (initially) Think, but we can Decide what to do with it...