The Meaning of Life

Since Small Talk isn't my thing, Let's Dive Deep! Extremely Deep ...

You see ... I wasn't alone in my suicidal thoughts ... and neither are You ...

Chris Cornell (Soundgarden), Robin Williams (Actor), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Avicii and many others beat me to it ;o)

I used to envy them, that they succeeded and me not.

Luckily that's not the case anymore. To the contrary. And that's why I am here.

You may know him from:


Why is that? Why do people, who seemingly have all the luck in the world—extremely good-looking, talented, doing something they love, making millions of dollars, being loved by everyone; spouse, kids & fans—and still they commit suicide? Have you ever wondered that?

It's a question that haunted me for years. If all of that isn't the Meaning of Life, or the way to become Truly Happy, then what is??? The Fear of not finding another Meaning tormented me.

True Peace of Mind:

I also believe that most people that wanna kill themselves don't really wanna die, they just want the extreme Pain to Stop. So do the regular severely depressed.

I found True "Peace of Mind", the thing I was yearning for ALL my Life. I Finally Found it. For a decade now. And so can You.


Inner Peace and True Happiness:

You see, I believe people who are regularly severely depressed or suicidal haven't beaten their "demons" yet, especially the demons from their childhood. Success, Wealth, or Love won't help until those demons are conquered.

If you're feeling suicidal or regularly seriously depressed, it means you have demons to beat.

I found Peace of Mind, and the Meaning of Life, by realizing that True (!), Genuine, Lasting Love and Happiness come 100% from within, hardly from external sources.

It's when You've Found Your Inner Peace that external sources also can make you Truly Happy.

That Thought, that it has to come from within First, and for the Full 100%, used to scare the living daylights out of me cause I used to think I was worthless.

Becoming Your Purest Form, that's The Meaning of Life:

Unless you are a rapest, a child molester, or anything else that hurts people just by being you...if that's the case then seek Professional Help. We can't help what we (initially) Think but we can Decide what to do with it.


It's becoming Your CORE You. Instead of trying to change yourself you should do the opposite, you need to change in the CORE You. BE the Core You. On the OUTSIDE, not only on the inside.

It's finding Your True Purpose in Life and doing something with it. Then all will fall into place, and what you yearn for the most you will get...Peace of Mind and Meaning In Life.

When in time of need, Learn How to Rest, not to Quit